Is there a minimum order requirement?

→We have a strict $300 minimum order requirement.

Do you offer delivery & retrieval?

→YES! Once you submit your wishlist, we will quote delivery and retrieval for you!

Do you set up?

→Yes, for a small fee!

Can I just pick everything up myself?

→YES! We offer Will Call pickup from our location in Salisbury, NC! For a weekend event, pickups typically begin on Thursday. Monday is the cut off for returning everything. This is definitely the most popular option, however, some bigger inventory items may REQUIRE delivery!

Do you allow same sex couples to rent from you?

→YES! ABSOLUTELY! ALL are welcome here at Every Last Detail!

How does the sign rental work?

→The only custom signage offered currently are welcome signs. We use a removable vinyl that we can peel off after each event. We will reach out about your sign details about 2 weeks in advance of your event. Once we have those details we will design your signs and send proofs to you! Once you have proofs, you can let us know of any changes you would like to see. You can always send us inspo from Pinterest, or fonts from your invitation suite if you want us to match! We will always try our best to give you exactly what you want! Don’t forget, all signs come with easels!

What if something breaks?

→We collect a damage deposit in advance of your rental. If something is broken we reserve the right to keep your deposit. We try to be as fair as possible and let you know ASAP if there are any issues with your returns!

What if something is lost?

→In this case, we reserve the right to keep your damage deposit. If the damage deposit does not cover the lost item, you will be responsible for paying the difference. We ask that you let us know as soon as possible in case we need to get a replacement for the next weekend!

Is there any deposit owed when booking?

→At the time of booking, a 25% nonrefundable deposit is collected to reserve your rentals for your date as well as a signed contract. Items are NOT reserved until this is paid.

When is payment due?

→Payment is due 30 days before your scheduled event. Our software will send you a reminder that payment is due and you can easily pay right online!

Can I make payments?

→Absolutely! We understand that making payments may be easier on your budget then one sum due right before the event! Just let us know what kind of payment plan you would like (monthly, quarterly, etc).

Can I use pieces for a styled shoot?

→YES! We love styled shoots! While we may not be able to be there in person, we absolutely allow planners, photographers, venues, etc to use our items free of charge for styled shoots. No person/vendor can be making a profit off of the shoot - this includes mini sessions, workshops with a registration fee, etc. Workshops where the shoot will be submitted for publication is ok.

→Images are to be shared with Every Last Detail with the understanding that they can be used for social media & marketing material (we will wait on any publication conflicts & give appropriate credit!)

→Appropriate credit given to Every Last Detail in any publications, social media posts, “sneak peeks” etc.

I’m a photographer. Can I get a discount on items for mini sessions?

→We love working with photographers! Yes! We can likely offer discounts for mini session setups! Contact us for more info!